Figen frequently talks at conferences across the UK and is often asked to be a keynote speaker at various venues, ranging from the security industry to police and counter-terrorism events. Her main aim at these events is to talk to people not only about Martyn’s Law and the forthcoming legislation, but to also give every person a solid reminder of why the job they do is so important and to educate them on a more personal level about how terrorism impacts on families. Martyn’s Law is now attracting international attention, and therefore she is now talking at international conferences.
She is pleased to see that these sectors are interested and very supportive of Martyn’s Law and has established close links within the industry, which she believes is key for the future success of the legislation.
Figen hopes that telling her story and using her voice to advocate a positive change will leave every person with a sense of pride in the job they do and feel inspired to make change happen.
What does this involve?
Figen gives a presentation aided by powerful images that are a visual reminder of the effects of losing a loved one to terrorism. She begins with telling the story of bereavement and how both her and her family have been affected, and then goes on to how this has had an impact on her fight for change. Her presentations usually last around an hour, which includes time for a Q&A session at the end.
When talking at security conferences she often partners up with Nick Aldworth, retired Chief Superintendent for Metropolitan Police, who was instrumental in putting together the Martyn’s Law document that was eventually presented to the government. Whilst Figen explains the impact of what happened on her family to emphasise the importance of security, Nick outlines in great detail the different components of the law.
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"Figen gave a keynote presentation for the International Security Expo in December 2019. She was presenting to a large and very experienced audience of counter terror and security professionals who had been exposed to much of their subject matter through the day.
Her reputation preceded her when the commander of the UKs counter terror effort, Neil Basu, paid her a huge complement in his speech opening the event. Figen’s talk gripped the audience in a way it hadn’t been before. Her story, whilst hugely emotional, was delivered in an exceptionally professional way; she brought to reality the human cost of our struggle against terror. You could have heard a pin drop as the audience hung on her every word.
Of all of the 100+ presentations delivered through a very busy expo and conference series, the one that sticks in people’s minds is Figen’s, the one that is still talked about is Figen’s and the one that made the greatest professional and personal impact to the audience is Figen’s. A talented, capable and extremely brave lady it was a pleasure to hear her talk."
Philip Ingram MBE BSc MA GCGI